Don’t Hold Your Breath….!

It really did not come as a surprise that the Police were found to be to blame for the riots that blighted this country this year. Of course, the ordinary cop on the ground suffered the greatest indignity having to stand idly by whilst gangs of feral youths burned and looted their way to an early Christmas present. The liberal bleeding hearts then roundly criticised the still weak sentences preferring to try and rehabilitate these morons in the community at your expense and at my expense.

What a pity for their morale when it was proven that crime actually dropped after the riots for a short period of time leading me to consider the following mathematical formula:

Average criminal moron + longer prison sentences = less crime?

As experienced cops, we all know that the Average criminal moron is basically a coward who seeks to take what they are not entitled to in the anonymity of a crowd. They care nothing of the community they destroy nor do they care who picks up the bill for their crimes. They just simply want!

In Safe Hands...?

However, I wonder whether there is a bigger fish to fry! The report from the Select Committee talks of a lack of leadership. The ordinary street cop facing the violent crime wave without direction or command. Does this mean that our ACPO leaders are actually sh*te at their job? Should they be looking for the culprits within their own ranks and issuing Regulation 15 notices to those who neglected their duty or brought their force into disrepute? If you are an ordinary member of the public, you can rest assured that these bastions of incompetence will not investigate their own shortcomings. They will reserve that for the front line officer who will pick up the pieces of their ineptitude.

Where are the IPCC and the Police Authorities of this country who should now be disciplining our incompetent leaders who failed to control the riots. They failed to provide proper communication, proper leadership and direction and they failed the public costing the taxpayer an arm and a leg in the process. Will any be disciplined for this costly incompetence? Don’t hold your breath!


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