Misplaced Loyalties

I have much respect for Special Officers. Those individuals who do a week’s work before putting on their uniform and going out on patrol. Notwithstanding the fact that many do not realise the jeopardy they are in by simply turning up for duty in respect of their livelihood should things go wrong or accusations come winging their way. I won’t go into that now but suffice to say they can be a major asset to any shift when they are keen and eager to be involved.

Which Force is keeping this little covert tickle under wraps?

However, this post is going to be critical of senior management within my force in respect of their overlooking the lack of qualifications of a Special Officer. Now this could easily never, ever end in tears but I will monitor the situation with interest just to see what happens if he makes a mistake and questions get asked. A frequent saying in the job is “Sh1t rolls downhill!”

The special officer in question is keen to do the job. So keen, in fact, that he has earned the right to drive liveried vehicles and use the blue lights and sirens. What he is not trained to do though, is drive covert and unmarked vehicles which have concealed blue lights and become involved in pursuits and stop checks as a consequence.

Somehow, he manages to perform this role without the training that regular officers are required to attend and with the full and open knowledge of his senior officers and senior command. He also lacks the experience which can only be acquired by constant training and performance of duties in the role full time. In fact it is almost embarassing to hear him reassure everyone on his shift who knows he is unqualified that he somehow magically qualified in the recent past.

I sincerely hope that this special officer manages to steer clear (no pun intended) of any trouble from his unqualified role which may invalidate any insurance in respect of his driving authority. Possibly an expert in these matters might enlighten us. I wonder whether he believes that he will be supported if something goes wrong when I know for sure that he will not receives a moments thought by the uPSD tasked to stick the knife in.

I just hope he has not misplaced his loyalty and naively believes he will be supported by the Noble Cause Corrupt regime that allows him to do what he is doing. Although I hope I won’t have to…….. watch this space.