I’ll Get My Coat….!

Has someone lost the plot in London? I don’t know whether to believe the latest Daily Mail headline about the fact that we can now be abused whilst on duty and there is nothing you can do about it. But then they produce a card which has been produced by Scotland Yard which outlines that very fact. It goes on to list the details of the words which we now must face and do nothing about it. I wonder what would happen if I used them back. Any takers for that gamble? Didn’t think so. The card goes on to say that the arrest will be assumed for “failing the attitude test” and will therefore be dismissed. The world has gone mad. Just wish I had the bottle to walk into a Magistrates’ Court effin’ and jeffin’ to see whether I would be admonished.

Please someone tell me that it is a joke!

They also include in the advice that hand cuffs cannot be placed on a prisoner just for officer safety and that the use must be justified. So clearly your and my safety is not a justifiable reason for the use of hand cuffs. Of course, the managers and back room consultants who come up with these directives only ever see an angry man on the television. I remember that the National Federation were instructed to argue for the right to handcuff all prisoners simply because they were arrested during a Police Federation Conference but nothing has been done or achieved, apparently. That vote must be at least 4 years old because it was taken at the last Blackpool conference. I suggest you badger your Fed Rep because the mandate is still there!!!!

The reason behind this farce is to save money on compensation claims. Perhaps if the Met were to defend a few more then they might have less claims in the first place. The Civil Actions Unit should hang their heads in shame because they are all a bunch of f*****g w*****s with a policy which is a load of b******s.

Open season has started on the police.

2 thoughts on “I’ll Get My Coat….!

  1. What do you mean…”Open season has started on the police”???

    When was it not “open season”?

    But having just thought about it, I am guessing you mean “open season” for some to deliver a foul mouthed gobfull at police officers and get away with it……. But will they? Most cops seem to be well able to defend themselves in any verbal exchange, and will no doubt find something suitable to say in answer to a foul mouthed rant from a member of the public. If many of them are true to form they might take the verbal abuse a step too far and take a poke at an officer, and THAT they can be arrested for without too much of a problem, surely?

    But I do think that it is a wrong message to send out to the public, that they can swear at police officers and get away with it. There does need to be clear guidance that people need to show respect for the police. “Someone”, has lost the plot. Big time.!

  2. ……And this comments box has lost the plot too.! It was behaving in a very odd manner as I got further down writing my comment.
    The icons below (guest, and log in etc) kept jumping up in the way of my typing….weird….

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